Forecasting 2021

 The Last Quarter Moon on January 6th is a great time to set your intentions for the New Year. You can start to release old resentments and bring new energy into your life during this luminary through sex magic. This will allow you to harness your power, magical gifts, and set the tone for 2021. Mars enters Taurus on the 6th, pushing us to attain our goals through dedicating ourselves to tasks. Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th, allowing us to gain a different perspective on matters. Venus enters Capricorn a few hours after on the 8th, giving us the drive to work hard towards attaining money and love. The same day, the Capricorn Sun gets a tender push from Neptune, who’s in Pisces, to embrace our dreams. Later in the day, Mercury and Mars square off on the 8th, creating conflicts and arguments. Venus and Mars add sensual vibes to our lives on the 9th, followed by a restrictive energy from Mercury and Saturn’s restrictive connection in Aquarius. January 11th opens up the energy when Mercury and Jupiter link up in Aquarius. This will make us feel freer and able to take on matters in an easier way. Mercury and Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, square off on the 12th, urging us to evolve by finding better and more effective ways to communicate with others. 


Romance is on your mind, making you want to open your heart up more to your one and only. This may create issues, as they are not necessarily wanting to get as attached as you do. Move slowly towards love. Take your time and the relationship will blossom into more.


Mindfulness is key this week. It’s instrumental towards growing and expanding your horizons. Being accountable and aware of your actions will help you find resolve on matters with others and yourself. You’ll be able to let go of the past and move towards the highest path possible. You got this!


You’re finally able to get out of the emotional standstill you have been in— which is a blessing. Before you run wild and free making future plans, give yourself a moment to reflect and make amends with others. This be a major step forward in creating the life you want.


There are many changes headed your way, most of which you are not ready for. Never one to embrace fast and swift transformation, you may want to rest this week and focus on finding your personal footing before taking on this world and other problems. Move at your own pace.


Fiery by nature, you crave passion and live through your desires. The downside to this is that you often lead with your heart first and foremost. Try to temper your emotions before moving forward in any direction to ensure that you are making more logical decisions rather than emotional ones.


Finding a daily activity that you can commit to is more challenging than ever. If you give yourself a moment to regroup, you will be able to reboot and be present within your body. This will allow you to focus better on tasks you want to do everyday and accomplish them.


Money is on your mind more than usual, forcing you to reassess your budget and spending. Remember the main rule and law of attraction in attaining abundance, the less you think about money the more comes your way. Ease your worries to manifest more money and increase your bank account.


Your foundation is transforming, which means it’s an exciting time for you. Being the most evolutionary sign of the zodiac, you will be able to make sweeping changes that can elevate your vibe. By week’s end, you’ll be on your way to living the best and most brilliant life possible.


Pay attention to what you see and hear this week. It’ll be useful later. There is a lot of information percolating behind the scenes that is coming to a head. Once you are aware of what is happening, then you can plan how to proceed and remember for the future.


At times you can feel uncomfortable in your own skin (we all can). But, what’s happening now is that you are  becoming more at peace within yourself and confident. Shedding the past and emotions will help you grow. This will allow  you to be assured and able to move forward.


Life seems like it’s crazier and busier than ever this week. While you may not have a moment to yourself, you’re finding that your creativity is on fire. The silver lining is that your artistry and talents are shining through. And, the world is excited to see what you create.


You’re finally speaking your mind and not holding back your feelings from others. This is wonderful because now you can express your hidden sentiments and desires without feeling as though others are judging you. Let your feeling out. Say what needs to be said. You’ll feel better once you do.


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