Consulting The Oracle


The Core Issue cards reflect the essential spiritual principles that a seeker should reflect upon in relation to the query.  Very challenge has a source, and that source is always on the querent’s mind.  Thus, the Core Issue card identifies where there is a fracture or a miscalculation in logic related to the question.  It is advisable to set aside any defensive emotions, such as anger, denial, or self-depreciation, that may arise upon receiving the message, because those emotions are contrary to the purpose of clarification.


Think of the questions that you would like an answer to, then choose the card that resonates with you. 

The Core Issue cards include “Mysteria” (Mysteries), “Sapientiae” (Wisdom), “Unum” (Unity), “Adversus” (Opposition), “Mortem” (Death), “Transformation” (Transformation), “Cumulus” (Accumulation), “Limitationem” (Limitation), “Numero” (Rhythm), “Gratiam” (Gratitude), & “Vibrationis” (Vibration).


Pose your question phrased in a neutral way using a simple “Comment on…” method. For example:

               “Comment on getting back together with…”

               “Comment on loaning money to…”

               “Comment on what lesson I need to master in this lifetime”

               “Comment on the meaning of the dream I had last night.”


In my my next post, I will go over the four cards pictured and their meanings for those who participated. Ase.


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